北京师范大学2014级书法学硕 士,外国语言文学(英语)双 学位。曾多次获得国家级奖学 金,学术奖学金、专业奖学金 及竞赛奖学金;2013年度国家 级大学生创新创业训练计划·创 新训练项目——“大学生汉字 书写能力研究”项目主要负责 人;发表多篇学术论文;作品 多次获奖并入围国内外展览。
Postgraduate student in the Calligraphy Department at Beijing Normal University (Class of 2014).
Yang also has a degree in English and received several national and academic scholarships at university. In 2013, Yang participated in
the National College Students’ Entrepreneurship Competition with her project, “Study on the Writing Competence of College Students”. She has had several academic papers published in major newspapers and magazines in China and has also had calligraphy works exhibited
in both domestic and overseas exhibitions.