1990年生,现就读于北京师范 大学艺术与传媒学院书法系, 硕士。自幼习书,于篆书、楷书、 草书等诸体有颇多感悟。在校 期间多次获得国家奖学金,多 篇论文发表于《解放军美术书 法》《艺术品鉴》等期刊,书 法作品入展“中日第三届国际 临书展”、“第二十届韩中书 法交流展”等。
Postgraduate student in the Calligraphy Department at Beijing Normal University (Class of 2013).
Born in 1990, Zhao started writing calligraphy as a child and is especially into Seal Script, Regular Script and Cursive Script. She
has had several academic papers published in major newspapers and magazines in China and also had calligraphy works exhibited
in China-Japan and Korea-China exhibitions.