2014年获中央美术学院书法 学学士学位,现于北京师范大 学攻读书法专业硕士学位,期 间曾多次参展,数获奖学金。 中国书法在艺术界是独一无二 的,从古至今、从里到外散发 的都是地道的中国作风和气 派,在黑与白、点与线的千变 万化中完成了我们精神创造和 感情宣泄。
Postgraduate student in the Calligraphy Department at Beijing Normal University (Class of 2014).
Her bachelor’s degree in calligraphy was granted by China Central Academy of Fine Arts
in 2014, and she has had several scholarships in school and participated in many exhibitions. According to her, Chinese calligraphy is a unique art form which boasts a long history and represents Chinese art with every dot and line, in black and white.