本科是中文专业,爱好笛子、 乒乓球等。因为国学不同于其 他国家的文化,既囊括了诗文、 书法、绘画、音乐、哲学等诸 多门类,且所有门类都息息相 关,于是在研究生期间转入 书法,希望更深入地理解国学 中所包含的气、韵、势等诸多 命题。
Postgraduate student in the Calligraphy Department at Beijing Normal University (Class of 2013).
He majored in Chinese Language and transferred to Calligraphy after becoming a postgraduate in the hope of learning more about such topics as “qi”, “yun”, and “shi”. It is his belief that all subjects in the study of ancient China are inter- related, including poetry, painting, music, philosophy, etc.