生于文化古都——山西大同, 性格开朗,爱好广泛。自幼习 书,浸淫笔墨,乐此不疲。书 法于我,好比一面镜子,折射 我丰富多元的精神世界。书法 作品曾多次参展,多篇论文发 表于专业报刊杂志,数获奖 学金。
Postgraduate student in the Calligraphy Department at Beijing Normal University (Class of 2013).
Born in one of China’s ancient cultural centers Datong in
Shanxi province, Yang started practicing calligraphy from an early age, and she is active in calligraphy exhibitions. She compares calligraphy to a mirror through which she can depict
her own colorful spiritual world. Moreover, Yang has had several academic papers published in major newspapers and magazines in China.