1991年生于山东济宁。在书 法艺术探索上很要强,喜欢突 破束缚、突破自我。在不断尝 试新鲜艺术风格的同时,喜欢 深入挖掘、研究,从独特的角 度观察事物。除书法之外,金 属乐、电影、游泳、烹饪也 能让我在生活中找到很多的 乐趣。
Postgraduate student in the Calligraphy Department at Beijing Normal University (Class of 2013).
Born in Jining, Shandong province, China in 1991, He is used to breaking boundaries and restraints and always tries to be creative. Being open to new styles of art, Zheng enjoys perceiving the world from different perspectives, and he is also into Metal music, movies, swimming, and cooking.