现于北京师范大学攻读硕士学 位。在校学习期间成立并担任 国画社团社长,曾荣获首届北 京市大学生书法大赛一等奖、 第二十二届 “京师杯”一等 奖等。发表《从书法看艺术作 品的本源》《品读——雁塔圣 教序》等文章。
Postgraduate student in the Calligraphy Department at Beijing Normal University (Class of 2015).
Wang founded and chaired the “Chinese Painting Society” in her University. She has had several academic papers published in major newspapers and magazines in China and has also won many awards in national calligraphy competitions, including
first prize in the first Beijing College Students Calligraphy Competition, and first prize in
the twenty-second “Capital Cup” Calligraphy Competition.