中文 |
英文 |
中国工农红军 |
Chinese Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army |
长征 【例句】长征是宣言书,长征是宣传队,长征是播种机。 |
Long March 【 The Long March was a declaration, a publicity force, and a sower of seeds.】 |
红军三大主力 【释义】包括红一方面军(中央红军)、红二方面军、红四方面军。 |
three main forces of the Red Army 【 The three main forces of the Red Army were the First Front Army (also known as the Central Red Army), the Second Front Army, and the Fourth Front Army.】 |
反“围剿”斗争 |
counter-encirclement and -suppression campaign |
北上抗日 |
move north to resist Japanese aggression |
中央革命根据地(中央苏区) |
Central Revolutionary Base (Central Soviet Area) |
中华苏维埃共和国 |
Chinese Soviet Republic |
封锁线 |
blockade |
湘江之战 |
Battle of the Xiang River |
遵义会议 |
Zunyi Meeting |
四渡赤水 |
cross the Chishui River four times |
《八一宣言》 |
August First Declaration |
陕甘革命根据地 |
Shaanxi-Gansu Revolutionary Base |
会宁会师 |
the joining of Red Army forces at Huining |
长征精神 |
Long March spirit |
革命英雄主义 |
revolutionary heroism |
革命乐观主义 |
revolutionary optimism |
红军不怕远征难, |
The Red Army, facing down challenges on its march, |
万水千山只等闲 |
Braved ten thousand crags and torrents. |